Dheemer Consulting , Coaching & Counselling
Dheemer Consulting , Coaching & Counselling
We keep searching for answers all over life and questions keep changing at different stages of life. Of all , the important question is what is the life's purpose ,is it to live or to merely exist ? The Purpose of life is invented out of mystery, confusion and conflict. But does purpose give you the meaning of life ? No , It is doesn’t ! when you realize the meaning of life , that is when you start LIVING. The Meaning is to find it out yourself by looking within, the depth of your heart, and the depth of your thoughts. I strongly believe that all our answers lie within us so are the questions!
Michelangelo once said, “Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.” Each of us has the power to chip away at that stone, All it takes is a proper focus and guidance.
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Mum Niyatim Niychami