Dheemer Consulting , Coaching & Counselling
Dheemer Consulting , Coaching & Counselling
Merakis - A team of motivated, passionate strategists and consultants who can help streamline your business, manage your various programs and optimize your funnel and when the graph that shows the profits trends upward, your cup of joy will overflow.
We, the Merakis, come with nearly decade long experience in the sales and delivery arena, analyze the business processes, probe deep to understand and provide an optimal solution to any undercurrents that might exist.
We help build clear strategies empowering the sales and marketing team to work in tandem and thus improve your bottom lines. We also help to program manage your organization’s key projects and operations and help you to “walk the talk”. Well-built strategies go a long way in ensuring success and enhancing the organization's overall effectiveness.
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Mum Niyatim Niychami